Paul & Kate Nov 2006
1/3 of all pursuit victims are
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Saving Lives by Advocating for
Safer Police Pursuits
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17 Years since Paul Farris was killed (HERE)

WHDH TV 7NEWS Boston Pursuit Story. Jon & Katelyn in the news (HERE)

89-mile Milwaukee police chase – Jon in the news (HERE)

Jon Farris – Wisconsin State Journal Op-Ed (HERE)

San Francisco Chronicle publishes a blistering investigative series about police pursuits across the country. (HERE)

Milwaukee’s police pursuits continue unabated – Jon in the news (HERE)

Milwaukee’s police pursuits – Jon talks technology  (HERE)

Washington State Legislators Making A Mistake With Pursuit Laws (HERE)


New report recommends agencies only pursue suspects when two conditions are met: (1) a violent crime has been committed and (2) the suspect poses an imminent threat to commit another violent crime. HUGE DEAL!  PERF Report HERE


Yet more innocent citizens are dying as the result of many unnecessary police chases for minor violations and non-felony property crimes. What will it take before you get involved with local law enforcement and local media? Only through citizen action will changes occur.

Pursuit for Change is a Wisconsin-based, national police pursuit victims’ advocacy group. The organization works with legislators, media, and law enforcement.

We are primarily focused on stronger departmental pursuit policies (EVO), all relevant laws related to pursuits, pursuit reduction technology tools, and increased officer driving training (#PursuitReductionTech / @PursuitResponse). Each of these actions will reduce unnecessary police chases (#PoliceChase) and prevent innocent citizen and police officer deaths and injuries.

Finding CURRENT and ACCURATE police pursuit data is, simply stated, incredibly difficult. However many organizations do complete research. We will post everything we can find.

At least 416 people were killed nationwide in police chases in 2017 — a 22% increase from 2013, according to an analysis of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data by FairWarning, a nonprofit news organization.

But now, from the SF Chronicle’s 2023-2024 research; “Chronicle reporters spent a year identifying and examining fatal chases, finding that at least 3,336 people died in pursuits in the U.S. over the six years ending in 2022. They discovered that police pursuits frequently go wrong, killing an average of nearly two people a day in recent years.  READ MORE HERE

And, “The federal government is significantly undercounting chase deaths. Reporters discovered 662 people who died from 2017 through 2021 but were missing from fatal pursuit data published by NHTSA.”   READ MORE HERE

At least 13,000 people died in police pursuits from 1979 to 2017. A person is killed in about one out of every 200 chases. Courier Journal

Jonathan Farris, advocate for public safety, with his son Paul

Jon’s son, Paul Farris, was killed on Memorial Day weekend in 2007. A fleeing driver, being chased by a Massachusetts State Trooper, struck the cab in which Paul and his girlfriend Katelyn were riding. Paul died. The cab driver, Walid Chahine, died. Kate was critically injured but miraculously survived. The offending driver was being pursued for a simple illegal U-turn violation.

Please see this update about Paul and recent legislative actions.

Click to see a listing (Twitter) of recent dangerous police pursuits. The volume of chases is truly astounding and seemingly is rising. 


Where are you now my friend?
I miss those days
I hope they take good care of you there
And you can still play the guitar
And sing your songs
I just miss those days
And miss you so
Wish I could be strong
When darkness comes

Riverside,Towards the Blue HorizonLISTEN HERE


The taxi

Seventeen Years

May 26, 2024


You Can Help

The National Issue of High Speed Traffic Pursuits

Police chases are a national issue with staggering local impacts. Pursuits kill hundreds and injure thousands every year, including law enforcement officers. Yet this topic falls on deaf ears. This national issue destroys families in an instant. It deserves a national outcry for meaningful change and to give a voice to those who are no longer here to call attention to this travesty.

Vehicle pursuits, on average, kill a person each day, injure thousands annually, and are the second most deadly event a police officer faces, second only to death by firearms. Considering this is a national issue, one would assume that there are state and federal funded programs for law enforcement to enhance training, to adopt the newest technology and driver training to reduce chases – yet the stark reality is that no designated funding exists.

Please see our petition to the Attorney General, that allows YOU be a voice for the countless innocent victims and families who have been torn apart by these events, by finally creating federal legislation to create positive change and save innocent victim and LEO lives.

You can use this format to ASK YOUR LEGISLATORS, Federal and State, to support our important cause.

  1. Demand state and federal policy changes guiding law enforcement agencies to adopt significantly safer pursuit policies, smarter pursuit practices and more consistent procedures to reduce innocent victim and law enforcement injuries and deaths.
  2. Demand mandatory reporting for all Federal, State and Local police pursuits to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
  3. Legislate dedicated funding for increased pursuit safety. This funding will support needed law enforcement training programs and technology which will improve decision-making, police coordination, police conduct and outcomes.
  • The uncertainty about the death and injury tolls obscures the danger of police chases.

    Toyota Prius crash
    Unknown Author
  • I hear people say that time heals the pain. Well, it doesn’t. Not even a little bit. Time does strengthen me. Time does allow me to hide the hurt so you need not live with it as I do – every day of my life.

    Jon Farris, Dad
  • Police pursuits, for the most part, are merely a passing newspaper story or television headline, forgotten by readers and viewers a few minutes later. But for the hundreds of relatives and thousands of friends of these innocent victims, the pain is real and never goes away. Never.

    Chief Advocate Jon Farris
  • A pursuit is probably the most unique and dangerous job law enforcement can do.

    Tulsa Police Maj. Travis Yates

Saving Lives by Advocating for Safer Police Pursuits
