All posts tagged: #WINx

WINx Experience

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Pursuit For Change Chief Advocate, Jonathan Farris, continues his ongoing support for law enforcement while working diligently to reduce non-violent felony #PoliceChase.

Jon was asked to speak at a 2017 law enforcement training event in Appleton, WI. Pursuit For Change wishes to express our thanks to Roy Bethge and Brian Willis for including Jon at this amazing event.

Below is Jon’s story. Additional, powerful WINx stories / presentations can be viewed at and


Jon Farris speaks at WINx

W.I.N. is an acronym for Life’s Most Powerful Question – What’s Important Now? Why are these three words Life’s Most Powerful Question? Because of their simplicity and their diversity. W.I.N. is a guiding principle for leadership, training, planning, decision making, personal growth and life.

X is the ‘X’ Factor; the unknown. The unknown is what exactly you will experience during this one day event that will change your life. The X also stands for the known: Xcellent speakers who will provide an Xceptional Xperience and 10X value for your investment.

This is not your normal law enforcement training event filled with long and often boring presentations. WINx is a fast paced, dynamic event with presentations that are only 18 minutes. The topics, all of which relate to the law enforcement profession will challenge you, engage you and inspire you to action.

In addition to a number of experiential surprises there will be an opportunity to explore some of the concepts in more detail by engaging the speakers in additional dialogue.

If you are happy with the status quo and are not willing to be part of the growth and evolution of the law enforcement profession then this event is not for you.

However, if you are:

  • Committed to being part of the growth and advancement of the law enforcement profession.
  • You believe that leadership is about action.
  • You are willing to embrace the pursuit of excellence and fight against mediocrity.

Then WINx is one event you must attend.

adminWINx Experience
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Relationships. Knowledge. Inner Peace

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Nov. 14, 2016

Pursuit For Change Chief Advocate, Jon Farris, will be attending WINx 2016 in Chicago this week. 

During the past few years I’ve been significantly more engaged with the law enforcement community. I have to say that the more time I spend with these professionals, the more I am able to balance my perspective about reducing unnecessary police chases while recognizing the needs and challenges LEOs face getting bad players off the streets.

This year I’ve attended many police training sessions, a national police chief’s conference and this week, WINx 2016 in Chicago. So why do this? Perhaps a blurb from the WINx site may help explain:

  • “W.I.N. is an acronym for life’s most powerful question – What’s Important Now? Why are these three words life’s most powerful question? Because of their simplicity and their diversity. W.I.N. is a guiding principle for leadership, training, planning, decision making, personal growth and life.
  • “X is the ‘X’ Factor; the unknown. The unknown is what exactly you will experience during this one day event that will change your life.”

I’m excited to spend time with a group of dedicated law enforcement professionals and speakers. For me, Pursuit For Change and saving innocent bystander and law enforcement officer lives is critical; perhaps now more than ever (WIN).

These events allow me to continue my life-long journey of learning (knowledge). These events allow me to meet and better understand individuals who lead very different lives than I do (relationships).

And, hopefully, personal and Pursuit For Change activities, such as WINx, can bring me greater inner peace to balance everything that life’s tossed in my direction.

adminRelationships. Knowledge. Inner Peace
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