16 Missed Birthdays
By Jon Farris – Paul Farris’ dad and Chief Advocate, Pursuit For Change
Every year on November 2nd I post a note in remembrance of my son, Paul, about the birthday celebrations we’ve missed since his senseless death. This will be the 16th one.
It’s easy for me to remember Paul and the many happy birthdays we spent with family and friends. Some days it seems as though these were only yesterday, but no…
We miss you buddy. So very much.
Whenever I need a dose of inner peace, I listen to Paul’s music. You can hear all of Paul’s music at PaulFarris.org/Music.
And here’s Faith in Flight, from theMark‘s album The Catastrophist, with Alec O. playing guitar: https://paulfarris.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/04-Faith-in-Flight.mp3
Paul & Alec. theMark. Tuft’s Spring Fling 2004
Paul 2004
Paul 2003
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