Saying Thanks
by Jonathan Farris
I’m an advocate. I work to reduce bystander and officer injuries and deaths caused during pursuits. As a result I typically focus on pursuits gone wrong or those I consider to be dangerous or unnecessary.
However, please do not think that I harbor ill will to the law enforcement community. I do not. In fact, it’s just the opposite of that.
Over the past several years I’ve had a chance to work with a number of amazing law enforcement professionals. These folks are dedicated to saving law enforcement officer (LEO) lives, which in turn will save innocent bystander lives.
Weapons-related incidents and shootings are most often picked up by the media, but in a typical year more officers are injured or killed while in their squad cars. That often happens due to lack of seatbelt usage, driving faster than is reasonably safe, police pursuits of all types, and more.
Even though there are still too many unnecessary pursuits in which innocent bystanders or LEOs are hurt or killed, this represents a minuscule percentage of total miles driven by officers annually.
So let me simply say “THANKS” to law enforcement professionals across the globe. I could not do your jobs; but know I am personally grateful that you can and do.
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